Rose of Light

Rev. Shondra Lindsay

The Practice of Alignment & Why it Matters

Alignment is a lot like driving a car, or flying a plane.  It is not a one-time event that affects your whole lifetime, but rather a continuous process of steering and course-correction, to arrive safely at the destination landing strip, instead of crashing into the nearby mountainside. Our ability to effectively navigate with good alignment, requires accessing a place of higher intelligence, from which good guidance comes.  When we disregard good guidance, we leave ourselves at risk to forces outside of self, who are eager to use our resources, if we are not “paying attention” and consciously using them wisely.  The Universe will not “protect you”, if you routinely distance yourself from, or ignore the provisions that have been divinely offered for your safety and well being. 

If you don’t view your Life as  a journey, and yourself as being “the responsible driver”, your experience is likely to be as haphazard as your view.  But we HAVE CHOICE, and one of those choices is to purposely and intentionally align with the higher plan that was put in place for our benefit.  It does not matter what term or name we give to that place of pristine higher intelligence/knowing/Presence.  It is there for each of us, and the Divine Plan  with which we came into embodiment is as unique as our fingerprints or our DNA. But if we don’t bother to align with it, it will not be forced upon us, nor will it serve anyone else.  We are all afforded free will, and each of us is the only one who can fulfill on that part of the higher Plan of Creation.