Rose of Light

Rev. Shondra Lindsay

Glossary of Terms

Alignment / Alignments:  The process or state of being aligned to, or lining up with, a particular thing, concept, energy, presence, or experience. There are many energetics or experiences, to which we can align, or focus our intention to align, (e.g. purpose, Divine Plan, Mission, Love, Integrity, Stability, etc).  “Lack of Alignment” leaves us subject to the alignment or intentions of others, whose agendas may not support our good nor our well being, especially if their intent is to commandeer our resources, life force energy (think: illness/disease), or money (think: debt systems/scams). Consciously using Alignments is a tool to take charge of your life and experience.

Divine Plan: The Plan for our lives and our world that comes from a pristine, high place of conscious creation, beyond our lower dimensional selves.  It takes into account much more than our limited consciousness can comprehend, and extends beyond the boundaries of our ego-considerations of our lives. Our Divine Plan gives us access to a huge amount of protection from being vulnerable to forces in our world “that are NOT benign”. We do not need to know what is on the Divine Plan to align with it.  Knowing that it’s only purpose in being there is for our benefit is enough to align with and receive that benefit.

Divine Masculine:  In the greater scheme of things, there are energies in all of us, that can be associated with the higher forms, pristine forms, of masculine and feminine.  Alignment is an activity and energetic most closely associated with the higher masculine, and so is relevant to mention here.

It is also relevant to mention that Divine Masculine energies (of higher consciousness, integrity, unconditional love, discernment, vision, activation, protective Presence, etc) must be in evidence, before the Divine Feminine can awaken and fulfill her pristine role (See Sleeping Beauty decode).

I AM Self/ I AM Presence: We use this term to indicate the pristine place within our BEing that gives us a distinct and conscious sense of self, and at the same time, is neutral. It is the place that holds power, that can be accessed and intentionally wielded, through our words.  Holy scriptures have pointed to this, but no one religion or spiritual path possesses a monopoly of access.  It belongs to each and every one of us, who choose to access and consciously wield this high integrity power from within our own being.  We can tune in to this place, use words as a conduit, and bring that pristine power to bear upon our reality in transformative ways.

“Anchor Lock and Seal”: Speaking these words authoritatively, especially followed by “I AM”,  is a way of profoundly activating what you have put forth in your Call.  Another way to look at it is in computer terminology.  If we consider that our subconscious programming is what is currently “coded in” to the operating system, when we desire to make a change in the default, we need to get the attention of the subconscious, to take this update and activate it, replacing whatever was there before.  It’s like clicking “save” or  “update” and changing something in your stored data.

A “word about wording” as conduit for the energy we are “aligning”:  The actual words are just the channel or conduit for the energy of our Higher Self/ I AM Self.  There is no “mystery or magic” in the specific words.  What matters more than “which words you use” is the clarity of your intent, your success in tapping into your own I AM Presence for the power,  the pristine, rightful authority over self,  that you OWN and muster the confidence that you CAN make changes in your life expression and the commitment and WILL to DO SO.